Have you ever heard the phrase ‘beauty from ashes’?
This story is a wonderfully real example of those words in action, and the exciting thing is that the story still has many chapters to come.
Linzi’s brother died when she was eighteen years old - a heartbreaking tragedy. But the compassion in a doctor’s eyes at that time planted a seed of kindness and humanity, that is now growing into a tree of compassion, under whose branches many will receive that same kindness and care.

Linzi’s resilience and tenacity has led to the formation of the charity Happy Teeth. Her passion to use her gifts and skill in this niche area has already made a big difference with some of the UK’s most vulnerable children, and will continue to do so.
The gift of a smile is something all of us treasure, it’s free to give and heartwarming to receive. Happy Teeth have a wonderful vision: to build a brighter future for all children with special educational needs and children affected by the refugee crisis and human trafficking living in the UK.
Linzi’s motto of squeezing the most out of life, and ‘sprinkling glitter’ wherever we go, is infectious and something we should all aspire to do - what could the world look like then?
Find out more about Happy Teeth at : www.happyteeth.info