I’ve known Luke for a number of years now, he’s a loving husband and father / deep thinker / uber generous human being / lover of tea. He’s also a creative, a musical genius - he writes and produces his own and other people’s music.
My original angle for this story was going to be around ‘helping other people find and capture their voices’ - however we ended up starting with a blank canvas. At the time it felt like we were just having a rambling conversation, however in the edit I found Luke’s answers to be pretty profound, not just for the life of a creative but for anyone who’s brave enough to chase their hearts desire.
In my experience of both life and creativity, there’s rarely a crystal clear vision of the endpoint, but something deep inside yearns, calls - there’s this deep discontent that we can’t rest until we uncover a hidden treasure.
Two things spoke to me.
We need to keep showing up every day. It’s all too easy to get discouraged and give up, what we’re searching for is already somewhere inside. Often it’s the process and the emotional rollercoaster we go through that produces the diamond.
Don’t rest until your heart tells you to. I’m unique, and you’re unique. The beauty we’re meant to offer as a gift to the world is found in our uniqueness. Dare to trust your true self!

I believe we’re all built to create. You may not write music, you may not be a designer, architect or performer, however we’re all the authors and creators of our own life story.
If you have any level of unrest with the life you’re living, I encourage you to show up every day and chase the mystery, push through the challenges and embrace the multiple iterations that I’m sure will be required.
Don’t rest until your heart finds peace.